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KIPP San Jose Key Club

KSJC Key Club!

Home to The Powerpuff Girls!!!

Key Club was founded at KIPP San Jose Collegiate on 2010 and continues to grow. Maintaining its status as being one of the 11 schools of Division 12 East Superheroes. Our club's mascot are The Powerpuff Girls and we will continue to be the heroes of San Jose.

Why did we chose to be The Powerpuff Girls? We do 3 times the service than the normal hero! We are a part of Divsion 12 East, home of the Superheroes! So we chose a set of heroes because 3 heroes is better than 1, also to be fair since most of our heroes aren't female XD

How We Express Our Core Values

Character Building

SELF DEVELOPMENT: Through bonding exercises, community service, & other events, such as FRN & DCON. We have members gain confidence with who they are, as well as how to be more comfortable with others (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

SOCIAL AWARENESS: Key Club teaches members to become appreciative of the differences and similarities among others, to embrace their Ohana, school, and other characteristics



We have opportunities for our members to gain leadership skills, encouraging any member to get out of their comfort zones. 

In Key Club, we try to get members to gain confidence and public speaking skills to grow as better leaders.

Every beginning starts with you (◕‿◕✿)


Its even in our motto, "Caring, Our Way of Life," Key Club gives members experiences to grow appreciation for their community through the activities with their Ohana. From working on our known causes for the less fortunate, raising money for our projects: The Thirst Project, The ELIMINATE Project, and the Pediatric Trauma Program. Key Club allows members to take in the time to appreciate what they are given, to then show their love for others while also leaving a legacy on our community.  ​(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Key Club is open to all high schoolers, doesn't matter what you background is, and we provide equal opportunities to all to join our Ohana. Our goal of making the world a better place, all high schoolers everyone to become part of out family. It's never too late to sign up for any event, we try our best to provide opportunities for our members. There is always something for everyone. 

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

KIPP San Jose Collegiate Club Officers

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